Friday, December 13, 2013


Sunday evening, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. MAKING PEACE WITH CHRISTMASA Celebration of Candlelight and Carols — In recent years, there's been much prattle about the so-called "War on Christmas," the successor complaint to the old demands to "put Christ back in Christmas," as if Jesus had somehow gone missing for those who sought to honour him. Much like the wars on poverty, drugs, and terror, the "War on Christmas" is a bogus conflict that masks the real problem — some people want to take the Yuletide hostage for their own narrow views and partisan ends. Let's make peace with Christmas instead — peace with our own conflicted memories and feelings about the holiday, peace with our families and friends, peace with merchants and even malcontents, and most especially peace with our neighbours who keep the season differently but who keep it holy nonetheless. And having made peace with the season, may we then go forth as agents of peace in the world.

All are welcome! Refreshments will follow the service.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday, September 1 at 11:00 a.m. — OUT WHERE WE BELONG — My family doctor recently introduced me to the notion of “nature-deficit disorder,” the hypothesis that many modern maladies can be traced to a lack of quality time outdoors. I thought we were having a philosophical discussion but it’s entirely possible I was being diagnosed. — Rev. Stefan M. Jonasson

Services are in the congregation’s landmark building at 76 Second Avenue, near Centre Street. Dress is casual — after all, it's summer!